Tuesday, May 5, 2009

her face, she says

My daughter recently brought home a collage of photos of her when she was between three and five. At the time we were stationed in Japan. I‘m in some of the photos but most are of my daughter with a few of her holding her new baby brother. My grand daughter likes this collage and looks at it frequently. I think my daughter intended to hang it somewhere in her house but my grand daughter has other plans for the photos. The piece sits on her tea party table; a miniature white table with two nice green chairs that I can sit in for about a half an hour before my posterior goes numb. When I point to pictures of my daughter in this collage and ask my grand daughter “who is that?” she replies “Me”. She is two and a half and her resemblance to her mother is quite amazing. In the evenings after her bath, we usually sit and watch an episode of the Berenstain Bears, her feature of choice these days. Sitting there watching her watching as she sits between me and my daughter takes me back to when my daughter and I shared a quiet moment watching Strawberry Shortcake. Before sleeping, my grand daughter enjoys a few books. Actually she enjoys books a great deal and does her best to extend reading time as far as she can manage. Her Daddy reads and sings to her. Her Mom reads with her too but remembers well how she was able to get just one more story in before sleep from me. While I’m taken back sometimes, more often I’m anchored in that moment, smelling her fresh from her bath and watching her smile and laugh.

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